The submarine made its debut as a successful addition to the navy and became fully implemented in World War I. No other war up until this point had been able to use the submarine to its best capacity and to as great a deal of success as it was in World War I. The Civil War in America had been one of the first to use something like submarines, but it was to little if any advantage and these submarines were very primitive and quite dangerous. During World War I, the submarine was a viable tool, and the Germans were the first to use it to their advantage starting in 1914. The German "U-boat" as it was called, shortened from the wordUnterseeboot, was the finest example of submarines during this time and their primary use was to transport cargo. At the beginning of the war submarines were largely used near the shoreline, but the U-boat set the bar for submarines in warfare. The U-boat was able to chart 12 knot speeds when surfaced and 7 knot speeds underwater, (close to 12 and 7 mph respectively). Submarines during this time operated by diesel when surfaced, and ran on electricity when submerged.
It is somewhat lost upon the general population the importance of submarines in warfare other than for stealth, but the submarine did make a substantial mark upon the nature, and overall outcome of World War I. We can conclude that the two most marked attributes of World War I were the introduction of trench warfare, and submarines. As cliche as it sounds, the constitution of war was never the same after